Sunday 8 December 2013


SALAM....hello everyone,how your day along this week???. Guys, we just have a few week before study week right??.  I already miss my hometown. Heol (-_-).

Just forget thinking about holidays. I would like to share with you all about last week topic on building an organization capable of good strategy execution. The managers, or top management responsible to have a good strategy in order to ensure the success of the company.

There are a few effective actions for executing strategy; first, the top management must staff the organization with the right people for executing the strategy. Second, build the organizational capabilities required for the good result of strategy execution.  Next, the company must instil corporate culture and reward the employees to have the good result.

Besides, the companies must build up core competencies and competitive capabilities by develop the capabilities internally, merger and acquisitions or collaborative partnership. Other than that, the company also must have supportive strategy which is include four aspect. First, decide the value chain which the company wants to perform.Second, aligning the firm organizational structure with the strategies. Third, coordinate and collaborate with external partners.

Moreover, it is also important for the company to have their own organizational structure. The company can use simple, functional,multidivisional and matrix structure. It depends on the firm size, complexity and stratrgy.
I think that all from me for now. Have a nice day everyone. Jazakallah (^_^).

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