Friday 29 November 2013


If you are one of the TOP managers, what kind values would like to inculcate in your organization? Why does it so?

If I one of the top managers, there are a few value that I would like to create in my workplace which are :

1)Employee-to-employer feedback

As a top management we should ask the employees either they are happy working in the company. It will help to improve the level of job performance among them and increase company productivity.

2)Appreciate the workers 

The great workers always deliver great job. Personally, the top management must appreciate the workers by given them reward such as bonus. Other than that, the company must have annual dinner or get- together dinner or lunch. It will help to get the top management and the employees to get closer and overcome the agency conflict.

3)Create Islamic value in the workplace 

As top managers, I think this value is the most important in build up the strong corporate culture.  By starting the day in the workplace with doa, having a religious talk every Friday, have the Islamic dress code and celebrate Eid with the people within the organization. Its not only portray the Islamic image for the company but also can create the better worker that have the Islamic value such as Amanah and Siddiq in their job performance.

Could you find an example of any organizations that have a good corporate culture? Name one of them. 
Based on my opinion, TABUNG HAJI.
That’s all from me, have a nice day everyone, Jazakallah.


SALAM,,,everyone , how your day recently, I guess all of you must be happy since there no lecture and tutor for this subject. But, we still have a lot of assignment that must be submit early of December.  Tired already, but still we need to finish it. It okay’s. We can do it.

For today, I would like to share my information that I get from my reading in this chapter. Firstly,what is the purpose of diversification ? .Diversification may builds shareholder value. But, the company must entry into new business that pass the attractiveness test, the cost- of – entry test and better –off test. Besides, entry into the new business there are three forms which are acquisition, internal start-up, and joint venture.
It is important for the business to have corporate parent which it helps providing high level oversight and making available other corporate resources, allocating financial resources across the business portfolio and restructuring underperforming acquisitions.
There are six steps to analysis the company diversification:
1)    Evaluate the long term attractiveness of the industries into which the firm has diversified which is include the attractiveness in its own, for others and as a group.
2)    Evaluate the competitive strength of each of the company’s business units.
 3)   Check for cross strategies fit
4)    Check whether the firm’s resources fit the resources requirement of its present business lineup.
5)    Rank the performance prospect of the business from the best to the worst and determine what the corporate parent’s priority should be in allocating resources to its various businesses.
   6)   Crafting new strategies move to improve overall corporate performance.

I think that all for this part, have a nice day everyone. May Allah bless all of you today. Jazakallah (^_^).  

Monday 18 November 2013



MIDSEM BREAK already over therefor as a student, we must continue our campus life in USIM. Last week, there are no class and tutor for this subject. Thus,as a replacement, there are sharing session with OSHIMA restaurant at DKF 1.1 FEM at 8.30 am untill 10.00 am. So, I want to share some information that I get from the sessions.(^_^).

Frankly speaking, I do love to eat sushi and OSHIMA restaurant offer halal and delicious Japanese cuisine.OSHIMA means huge island and the restaurant is own by Bumiputra, we should be proud for it.

During the sessions, Puan Hanim shared with us her experience in running a business. OSHIMA involve in promoting halal food industry because they do not serve beer, liquor or any alcoholic drink to the customers and they have HALAL certificate for JAKIM.

She get the idea to open Japanese restaurant since she went to Japan for studies. Then, she come back to Malaysia and start- up the business. At the first time, she faced many challenges that lead to the failure of the business regarding to many issues that need to be consider, she need to close 2 outlets.

OSHIMA restaurant really concern about their customer. As Puan Hanim said, the customer always right. They retain their customers loyalty by introduce the HALAL image and concern about the customer complain or opinion.

OSHIMA also had preserve the orginality of the food. The food/ menu offer at the restaurant is 100% halal. In making a sushi, they do not use sake but replace it with vinegar and soup base for ramen, they use chicken bone rather than pork bone. They also use UPM lab for testing the halal ingredients.Plus,most of the ingredients that use in the dish are home-made from the restaurant itself.

OSHIMA restaurant have a good strategy in promoting their restaurant such as they had collaborate with UiTM students Japanese Food Festival.

Here are some picture that I take from another blogger that have experience at OSHIMA restaurant.

That all from me. The sharing session was fun and i got many information from it,.Jazakallah (^_^).


SALAM EVERYONE and good morning.

It already week 10, there are another 3 week to complete this individual assignment. I believe everyone having a hard time to complete all the assignment. Same here. But, as for today, let me continue to share on what we already discuss in the previous lecture.

Why it is important for the company to enter foreign market???, it is because the company want to gain new customers, reduce cost though greater scale economic,gain access to resources and capabilities located outside the domestic market.

But, in making the strategy, it is quite complicated because it have different value chain, different political issue, climate and weather, different customer's taste and preferences.

There are five ways the company can choose to enter the international market, First by maintain the one country production base, Second, licensing and also franchising. Besides, the company also can establish the subsidiary via greenfield venture and last but not least, using other collaborative partnership.

We also discuss on licensing and franchising. Thus, I have look for the advantages and disadvantages for both.

Advantages for franchising are:

1) Good way to find talented person to manage the business by giving the training and incentive to work.
2) Great way to obtain expansion capital because it use the other person money to buy and open the outlets. so, no need to spend our own money or make loan from the bank.
3) can generate high financial return in the future.

Disadvantages of franchising are:

1) conflict between franchisor and franchisee due to the management.
2) reduce corporate profit margin due to the payment of royalties and levies.

Advantages of licensing are :

1) Enable to extend the business at minimal investment
2) increase the customer connection by offering various type of brand licensing.
3) Increase the channel distributions for the brand via licensing relationship.

Disadvantages of licensing are :

1) It is important for the company to understand and find the right partner for license.
2) Licensing can be a complex arrangement and it is important for a licensor to be properly guided in terms of royalty payment, audit provisions and minimum sales.

That all from now, have a nice day everyone.Jazakallah. (^_^)



Today I would like to share on the previous chapter that we already cover in the lecture,,happy study (^_^)

Basically, this chapter is about on how the company choose the strategy to attack their rival.There are many way to attack the rival such as cost based advantages, pursuing continuous product innovation, adopting and improving the best idea from others, hit and run tactics and blue ocean strategy.

Defensive strategy is important to reduce risk of being attack and protect the company position which is to block the challenger and action to signal the likelihood of strong retaliation.

Horizontal merger and acquisitions can strengthen the company in many ways like improve the operations, increase product differentiation, reduce market rivalry, increase company's bargaining power for suppliers and buyers and make the company more flexible and have dynamic capabilities.

Other than that, we also discuss about outsourcing. The benefits of outsourcing to the company are it help to reduce company's cost by appoint outsider specialist. It also help to increase company's flexibility and they can focus more on the core business.

I think that all from now.Sharing is caring.Have a nice day everybody.(^_^)