Tuesday 8 October 2013



In the name of ALLAH I begin..

HELLO there.....how's your day everyone. Always begin your day with smile. Okey2, I would like to share with you guys about the presentation for competitive advantages. For the task, we need to go out to search the restaurant. First of all, I would like to introduce my group restaurant which is PAN TRADIZIONALE. The concept for the restaurant is italian dish and cuisine. Main dish is pizza. The other group also choose interesting concept for their restaurant.

From the presentation, I realize that it is not easy to setup a business especially restaurant. We need to have a good strategy to maintain the reputation of the restaurant, restrain the customers and always looking for unique factors and so on.

                                                                  Dutch Lady group
                                                          thailand food like tomyam kung
                                                            SAWADIKAP (>_<)huhuhu

                                                                     Adabi group
                                                    Indonesian cuisine + Minang style dish
                                                                          NOGORI (^_^)

                                                         Sime Darby Group ( my group)
                                                             Italian traditional cuisine. 

                                                                 Al-ikhsan group
                                                     Western food BURGER BAKAR KAW-KAW
                                                                      Zhulian Group
                                                         Seafood plus grill style food. 
                                                                 Hungry already!!! (*_*)

Guys, that all I want to share for today. Overall presentation are good and creative. love it.jazakallah.

good night everyone. wassalam

Saturday 5 October 2013



In the name of ALLAH I begin...

HELLO!!!!!.Today is holiday , so I have a lots of free time to update my blog.hehehehe,,,i wanna share about the fourth topic that we have been discuss during the lecture last Tuesday. Let's study everyone. Cheer up.

In evaluating company the most important point  resources, capabilities and competitiveness. The key points for this topic is resources and capabilities.

Resources is the input for the company including knowledge, property, culture, pattern, trademark whereas capabilities means how the organization utilize the resources. How well the company is shown by the high performance in the organization. It means that the strategy used by the company success. The component of the resources include R&D , IT, HR, finance, production, sales and marketing.

The indicator for in evaluating the company performance are
  • growth in the firm if  there are high growth shows the firm is success
  • how the company retain the customer- loyalty 
  • ROI -return in investment - how much the company get from the investment- the higher the better
  • grow financial strength - easy to get loan 
  • competitive advantages - be better than your rivals 
  • Increasing profit margin
Capabilities is basic knowledge that is learning from experience.

V- variable which the resources that have value and can compete( toyota- leader in automobile industry)
R- rare( unique) identify what the competitor lacking
I- imitable - resources that hard to copy
N- non- substitute means that the product hard to find the substitute.

Then, the other important thing is SWOT analysis. To make it simple,
SW- we look at internal strength and weakness in the organization
OT- look  at external environment - find the way to overcome the problem. After the company done the SWOT analysis, then they will come out for the new strategies.




In the name of ALLAH  I begin...

HELLO!!! long time no see, today I want to update my blog with a new topic in strategic management.

Previously, during the lecture I learned about company's external environment. In this topic we focus on the PESTEL analysis and and five competitive forces. PESTEL analysis focus on political,environment, socialeconomic, technology, economic condition and legal. Meanwhile, the five forces are :

  • new entrance 
  • rivals
  • suppliers
  • buyer 
  • substitute
There are the five forces analysis for automobile industry,
new entrance - moderate to enter
rivals - high competition because of many players in the industry (  Toyota,Ford,Honda and Proton)
Suppliers - many suppliers because of high demand in manufacturing the car such as tire, spare-part 
Substitute - substitute for automobile industry are all public transport.
Buyer - Bargaining power for customer is low because most of the price is fixed.

In conclusion, we can say that automobile industry is a conductive market.

other than that we also learn about strategic group mapping. It helps the industry to identify rivals strategy. As an example, automobile industry.

                               * kia/merz                                         *Honda/toyota

low                                                                         * perodua/Proton

                            Narrow                                    board 
This simple figure, shown that proton and perodua well known in the automobile industry but the quality of the product is low. Meanwhile, Honda and Toyota also well known and have high quality in automobile production. On the other hand, Kia and Merz have narrow market in the industry but have high quality of car.

Besides, we also learn about the key success factors. For example, Nestle which is the key success is make sure all the household have their product.

I think that all so far. This is based on what I understand from the topic. Jazakallah (^_^)